bebrassie is available as an annual or monthly subscription in the
Apple and Google app stores

When you tap the button, we'll automatically recognize your device and take you straight to the App Store or web app so you can get started right away.

Our App Store Subscriptions

Monthly subscription for €7.99

iOS Version (Apple)

Android Version (Google)

14-day free trial period for new customers

If you opt for the monthly subscription, payment only begins after 14 days. So you can test bebrassie for free.

The subscription can be canceled at any time in the respective app store.

Annual subscription for €49.99

iOS Version (Apple)

Android Version (Google)

60-day free trial period for new customers

If you opt for the yearly subscription, the payment only starts after 60 days. So you can test bebrassie for free.

The subscription can be canceled at any time in the respective app store.

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