University (FAQ)


Who should use bebrassie?

As soon as you play on the golf course regularly, it makes sense to think about your game.

Of course, a single handicap player benefits from different features than a HCP. 36 players.

The "high handicapper" is more likely to gain initial insights into shot distances and deviations of individual clubs, while the "single handicapper" will compare his game more with other players and derive an objective strength-weakness profile.

But the fact is: the sooner you start to know your own game and use it to suit the golf course, the faster you will learn to play successfully.

What is the difference between subscription and license key?

Bebrassie can be purchased on different platforms. Depending on the platform, Bebrassie can be purchased as a subscription or as a license.
Bebrassie is sold exclusively as a subscription in the Apple AppStore and the Google PlayStore. The subscriptions are automatically extended if they are not canceled in time. Subscriptions cannot be extended or canceled from our side. This all has to be handled through the sales partners Apple and Google.

We sell Bebrassie as a licensed product in our online shop. This means you purchase a license key with the term you want and can use Bebrassie accordingly. After the term ends, you can purchase another license in the form of a license key and enter it in your profile in order to continue using Bebrassie. If you do not want an extension, your use ends and there is no automatic extension.

Which smartwatches does bebrassie run on?

Bebrassie runs on most smartwatches with Android Wear operating system (Wear OS) that have a gyroscope and GPS.

Bebrassie supports all Apple Watches from Series 3 (recommended from Series 4). It also runs smoothly on the Apple Watch SE.

Bebrassie does not run on the Tizen operating system of Samsung smartwatches. But the latest Samsung watches have Wear OS from Google again.

Manage your License

You can easily manage your license from the app. To do this, go to the start screen of the app and click on the “LICENCE” tile or select “MY LICENCE” in the main menu.

Here you can see when your license expires or is renewed. If you would like to make changes to your subscription, you can use the “Manage subscription” button to go directly to your smartphone’s settings and to the respective AppStore.

In addition to the subscriptions that can be purchased via the AppStore, we also offer attractive license models that you can purchase via our web shop. If you switch from a subscription to one of our license models, please remember to cancel your subscription in the respective AppStore.

How can I test the App?

You can test bebrassie free of charge for 30 days if you use this link:

Apple and Google also offer a test period if you have not already had a test with Bebrassie or FORE. With a monthly subscription the test phase is 14 days, with an annual subscription it is 60 days.

If you need further test access, you can contact our support at any time.

How can I cancel my subscription?

View or cancel subscriptions on iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch

Open the Settings app.
Tap your name.
Tap Subscriptions. (If you don't see Subscriptions, tap iTunes & App Store instead. ...
Tap the subscription you want to manage. ...
Tap “Cancel Subscription.”


Cancel subscription in the Google Play App

Open the Google Play Store on your Android smartphone or tablet.
Make sure you're signed into the correct Google account.
Tap the three-dash Subscriptions menu.
Select the subscription you want to cancel.
Tap Cancel Subscription.
Follow the instructions.

Why Stats are important

First of all: Any analytical consideration of a round is better than none. But of course the effort involved in the analysis must be offset by a corresponding benefit (return on investment).

Let's first look at the classic round analysis according to AGAPS. Here, at A, it is recorded whether (sometimes under the assumption of an acceptable shot length) the tee shot hit the hole or not. At G it is noted whether the green was hit regularly, at the second A the type or number of approach shots and at P the number of putts. At the end, S simply stands for the score.

Let's start our critical review with the discount. The number of fairways hit certainly has a bearing on the quality of a player off the tee, but it has been known - not just since Marc Broadie's book "Every Shot Counts" - that shot distance is a much more important skill for performance and scores than accuracy. For example, on the PGA Tour, 10 of the last 15 winners in the Driving Accuracy category lost their tour cards at the end of the season.

GiR (Green in Regulation) doesn’t do any better either. Although it is an advantage to hit many greens, the hit rate depends very much on the distance to be bridged. For example, an average player on the ProGolf Tour (3rd Level PGA Tour) hits an average of 73% of the greens at an average distance of 128m. However, this player would be on average 183m from the green on the PGA Tour and would only hit 43% of the greens from there.

In the area of approach shots, AGAPS differentiates the type of shot, but completely ignores the distance to be played. Since there are so many different ways to play the ball near the hole, especially in the short game, it doesn't seem to make much sense to differentiate by shot type, since in this case the definition of the shot type would have to be clearly defined beforehand. But Chip (or Bump) and Run, Flop, Low Spinner or Checker don't even appear in AGAPS.

AGAPS makes by far the smallest statement in the area of putting. Here only the putts per hole are counted. Whether the player made his two putt from 60cm or from 25m remains hidden. Whether the one-putt from 40cm was a “must” or a “lucky putt” from 12m doesn’t matter.

If you now look at the value that the statistics have for a better classification of your own playing strength from the perspective of the effort required to record them, in the end there is not much positive left. AGAPS has little benefit. Unfortunately – it would be so easy.

Are there alternatives?

Strokes Gained provides the best and most meaningful statistics. Each shot is evaluated individually, taking into account the distance to the green, the position of the ball and using valid comparative figures. This creates a “shot value”.

For the golfer on the golf course, every shot is worth the same: namely 1. Regardless of whether you hit the ball over 280m down the fairway or putt in from 10cm. Each stroke counts as 1, but every player knows that a putt that misses the hole from 60cm costs one stroke because you “normally” hole from that distance.

“Strokes Gained” takes all of this into account and makes it possible to recognize even the smallest progress and tendencies. The disadvantage, however, is that in order to obtain this data you have to define for each shot how the ball lay and how far the ball was (before and after the shot) from the target. In addition, the numbers of a comparison group from all distances and locations are required. This cannot be achieved without software.

And this is exactly where bebrassie helps!

Advantages of bebrassie:

PLAYGOLF – Use permitted on the course AND in the tournament!

The mobile app records the round (movement path and shots) fully automatically.
The app also works without an internet connection on seats that have already been loaded.
During the round Bebrassie can be used as a range finder and birdie maker.
In addition, you can record the score on each hole.

EDITROUNDS – The follow-up

The follow-up to the round only takes about 10 minutes.
The follow-up can be done on a smartphone as well as a tablet or PC.
Intuitively moving the ball positions and exact positioning on the green.
Club and shot type can be changed manually.
The follow-up is a good reflection of your own game performance.
Follow-up (from memory) is also possible without having recorded the round.
Software can also be used to plan tournament rounds.
No complicated entry of location and distance necessary, everything is calculated from the graphical user interface.


Strokes Gained analysis for every stroke and every playing area.
Strokes Gained comparison with various comparison groups (e.g. Sratch Golfer, Hcp 9, etc.)
The deviation shows exactly whether the shots are too short, too long, left or right of the target.
Daily playing strength calculation (ePR = expected playing result)
All classic stats like GiR, FiR, scrambling, etc.
Exact putting analyzes through putting probability information
Stroke length information for all clubs including gapping overview

Group and coach function

The coach has full access to all rounds and statistics
The club has a good overview of the players' performances and activities
Objective assessment of playing strength possible (HCP independent)

How the automatic follow-up works

The automatic follow-up works like this: You track your round as normal with your phone, and your shots in the long game are automatically recognized.

After uploading the round, Bebrassie checks on the server whether the detected shots were correct. During follow-up, Bebrassie then automatically places the detected shots at the appropriate locations. All you have to do is check that all your shots have been recognized.

The club selection is based on the club lengths you have stored in your profile. Bebrassie always chooses the club that you would normally play at the corresponding distance. Differences in height are also taken into account. But other external influences such as the lie of the ball or the wind conditions are not taken into account because brassie simply cannot know. In these cases you would then have to adjust the club manually.

You can adjust the club either directly on the map or in the table.

However, in the short game, shots are often not recognized due to the low movement intensity, and you have to manually enter the positions for shots and putts - the same applies to the pin position.

However, once all shots have been recognized, all that remains is editing on the greens - unless you have already edited approach shots, putts and the pin during the round.

The automatic follow-up in combination with manual editing on the course significantly reduces the follow-up time.

How can I purchase bebrassie?

Bebrassie is available on the following sales platforms:

Apple App Store (iOS)
Google Play Store (Android)
Bebrassie web shop (iOS & Android)

While you can only purchase monthly or annual subscriptions in the App Store or Play Store, there are 1, 2 and 3 year licenses without a subscription in the Bebrassie web shop. This means that access ends automatically after the purchased period.

How long does the follow-up to a round of golf take?

An experienced user needs between 5 and 8 minutes for the follow-up. That depends a bit on how much preparatory work he has already done during the round.

For example, if you edit your putts and the flag position during the round, you might even be able to finish it in less than 5 minutes.

If you haven't done anything during the rounds, it will obviously take a little longer.

The specification of the clubs played is irrelevant for the calculation of the very important Strokes Gained data, so if you do not want to gain any specific information about your choice of clubs, you can simply omit the assignment of the appropriate clubs.

Practice makes perfect. And if you do the follow-up on a computer or tablet, it's even faster. To do this, go to, log in there with your login details and you will have the same access to all your laps and data there.

battery consumption

Unfortunately, it is not possible to generally say how much energy the app on your phone uses.

This depends on various factors, such as whether the phone often needs to establish a network connection during the round or which other apps or Bluetooth connections are running in parallel.

But you can use Bebrassie in flight mode if you have started the round or have already downloaded the course in advance.

Then the battery consumption is 5-10% per 9-hole.

Which app version do I use?

To see which version of bebrassie you are using, press PlayGolf in the native app (on your smartphone) and open the settings at the top right of the course selection screen. The version of the app is listed below.

Where should I put my phone while using bebrassie?

You get the best shot detection when using a smartwatch. Then you can also put your phone in the bag. But the watch always has to save data on the phone. Therefore, you should not permanently move too far away from your bag.

If you only want to track with your phone, the phone should be in one of the back pockets. The front of the pants is also possible, but the phone sometimes has too much “movement” there.

If you put your phone in your golf bag, no shot can be detected, but your route will still be recorded. During the follow-up, you can usually clearly see from the walking paths where shots were likely to have been carried out.

Since you don't take your bag with you onto the green, you won't have this information for putting. Here we recommend editing putts and flags on the way to the next tee.

Technical Requirements

Bebrassie runs on both iOS and Android mobile phones, as well as smartwatches with iOS or Wear OS (Google/Android)

Apple iPhone X or newer
Apple Watch 4 or newer (also SE)

Due to the large number of Android smartphones and smartwatches, we cannot make a recommendation here. However, the devices require GPS and the necessary sensors for impact detection (accelerometer, gyroscope, magnetometer/compass).

In any case, we recommend the most current version of the operating system.

The older the device, the lower the expected performance.

First Steps

Where do I have to enter in my license key

If you have received a new license key by email, you can redeem it in your profile.

You can access your profile by either clicking on MY ACCOUNT in the main menu of the native app or by using the tile of the same name. In the web app you can also find your profile via the main menu or by clicking on your name in the header.

In your profile you will find your license status and the option to redeem your license key under your profile picture. You can also see whether your license is still active and until when your license is still valid.

Click REDEEM LICENSE KEY to extend or activate your license.

Redeemed license keys extend an existing license by the full number of days of validity. This means that if you have an active license that is valid for 100 days and redeem a license key with 365 days, then you have a license valid for 465 days.

Please note: If you have taken out a subscription in one of the AppStores and enter a license key, entering the license key does not end your subscription in the respective AppStore. You will then have to cancel your subscription manually in the AppStore.

However, you can enter the license key directly. The period of use begins on the day your subscription ends.

Can I enter my handicap?

You can enter the handicap you had before your first signed round in your profile. Your target will then be calculated based on the rounds you entered.

The new World Handicap System (WHS) is based on the average of the best 8 from the last 20 rounds. And no longer based on a starting handicap, which can develop up and down. Therefore it is not necessary to enter a handicap.

The rounds as such are required to calculate the handicap (WHI). You can add the rounds to BEBRASSIE via EditRounds and thus receive your current handicap. However, BEBRASSIE can only calculate the handicap based on the basic criteria and cannot address tournament-related adjustments (e.g. CR correction value, formerly CBA).

Can't find your clubs?

We try to always keep our database up to date. Unfortunately, given the vast number of golf clubs available on the market, it is not possible to record all manufacturers, models and variants.

But we would be happy to add your clubs to our database.

Simply send us a message with the exact information about your clubs (manufacturer, model, type, etc.) and we will be happy to take it.

Our email address is

How to change the PAR of a hole

It is not always possible to depict the courses as they are played in reality. Therefore, you may need to manually change the PAR on a hole.

Please note that this only works BEFORE the round. Changing the PAR afterwards is cumbersome and can lead to data loss.

To make changes to a golf course, go to your profile, navigate to the “Courses” section. Create a new course and select the golf course you want to edit from the database.
If you only want to change the par, select holes 1 to 18 accordingly. You will now receive an overview with the pars and the lengths of the holes, in which you can adjust the par. Save the changes, give the golf course a name that is easy for you to recognize, and this will only be visible to you - other users will not have access to it.

How to create a new course or change an existing

To create a new golf course or change an existing one, open your profile and navigate to the “Courses” section.

There you can create a new course by selecting a golf course from the database and specifying the holes you want. Some courses are also divided into individual nine-hole loops, allowing you to choose different nine-hole combinations.

Adjust the par if necessary and save the golf course with a unique name.

Please note that this golf course is only visible to you and cannot be selected by other users.

If the golf course is not included in the database, please send us a message to support asking for an addition. We will then forward your request to our mapping team.

How to define or change your home course

To define or change your home location, simply go to your profile and select the appropriate location in the “Courses” section.

This place will then be automatically displayed as a default for each newly created round in EditRounds.

How to change my golf clubs

To replace the default clubs in Bebrassie with your own, go to your profile, select the "Clubs" section and replace them.

Select the company, the type of Club and the model. If you can't find a club in the database, send us a message asking for an addition.

Indicate the normal distance for each club. This information is crucial to help the app match clubs. Then delete the preset clubs. You can also add additional clubs and indicate whether or not they are in your bag for each round.

When it comes to wedges, we usually differentiate between PW, GW, SW and LW. In some models we also offer the loft for differentiation.

How can I turn 2x 9-hole courses into an 18-hole course?

There is a “Courses” section in your profile. There you can use “Create new course” to create a course from the golf courses that are in our database. For example, you can create all imaginable combinations on a golf course that consists of three different 9-hole rounds. You can also combine holes from different courses and also adjust the PARs of the holes.
However, the course is then only available to you and only you can see it on bebrassie.


How to add a penalty? Lost Ball or Out of Bounds

If you have lost a ball (or played it out of bounds), please do the following:

It is important that you have entered the correct score or that the correct number of strokes including the penalty stroke are displayed in the table.
You pull the first shot back to where you hit it. In this case, right out of bounds.
Then you place the second shot (that's the penalty shot) back on the tee.
You push the third shot to where you hit the second ball.
You can then position all other shots as usual.
But there's still one thing you have to do...

For the 2nd shot that you hit back on the tee, you need to change the type from “Tee Shot” to “Penalty”.

Now the penalty stroke is processed correctly by the software.

It becomes a bit easier when the tee shot goes out of bounds and this out-of-bounds area is correctly recorded in Bebrassie, meaning it comes to rest clearly outside the golf course. When you drag your first shot to where the ball supposedly came to rest, a pop-up will automatically appear. In this pop-up, you can choose whether to incur a penalty. The next shot will then automatically be placed at the position determined by the rules as the most favorable next point. In the case of an out-of-bounds shot, the ball will be placed back at the point from where you played your last shot. The penalty will be automatically added, and the line will be marked with a yellow dashed line.


Ball lost in a penalty area

If you lose a ball in a penalty area, drag the shot you played into the approximate spot where the ball supposedly came to rest. A pop-up window will automatically appear, asking if you want to add a penalty stroke. Alternatively, you can mark the shot as a recovery by checking the "Recovery" box, meaning you play the ball out of the penalty area without taking a penalty stroke.

However, if you must take a penalty because you cannot play the ball (e.g., it's in the water), Bebrassie will automatically position the ball at the nearest point of relief, where the ball last crossed the boundary of the water hazard. The next shot will be placed there, marked as a penalty stroke, and the connecting line will be yellow and dashed. You can then continue your round as usual.


Do I need an internet connection if I want to use Bebrassie on the golf course?

In order for the courses in the area to be shown to you, you must have an active data connection.

If you want to use the app without a data connection, you must have downloaded the course with a data connection. All you need to do is start a round using the app and then end it straight away.

You can do this, for example, in the clubhouse (advantage here, the course is also displayed directly), in the hotel (but the course may not be the closest so be careful which course you want to play) or at home) you have to do that. However, search for a course by name. Please try different spellings, as the course with its most common name is not always stored in our database.

You don't need a data connection during the round and you can even put your phone in airplane mode. This has the further advantage that a) you have less battery consumption and b) you are not disturbed during the round.

Courses that you have already played or downloaded remain saved on your phone and you can find them under “Saved Courses”.

Adjust Course Rating Values

You can adjust the course rating values for the course when editing the round.

Simply enter the current values in the input fields.

You are also welcome to inform us of the changed values by email. To do this, use

Find a golf course

If you want to play a round on a course, the golf course you are on will be displayed in the “Nearby golf courses” list.

If you are looking for a course without being there, please make sure you spell correctly first. Since our database does not know every golf course by its common name, please try out different names.

Shorter search terms lead to successful searches more often than the full name of the course or club.

Sometimes it also makes sense to try the "umlauts" with e - i.e. oe, ue and ae.

If you still can't find the course, please send us a message and we will help you find it.

How many course are available?

At bebrassie you can play on over 40,000 golf courses worldwide.

Whether you're in Europe, North America, Asia or elsewhere, at bebrassie you'll find a wide selection of golf courses where you can improve your game and master new challenges.

With such an extensive selection of golf courses, there is something for every golf lover, whether beginner or experienced player. Discover the diversity of golf with bebrassie and experience unforgettable golf experiences around the world.

If you start the app on the golf course and press PLAY GOLF, the courses in the surrounding area are automatically displayed.

If you want to search for a course in EDIT ROUNDS, you have to enter the name of the golf course and press "GO".

When entering the name, it is helpful if you leave out additions such as “golf club” or “GC” and only search for the name alone.

Even colloquial course names are often not recognized. In this case, just try some alternative spellings.

You are also welcome to search for all of our courses on our data provider's website:

If you cannot find a course or the name of the place is incorrect, please send us a message to and we will take care of it.

Can I sign a round without editing it afterwards?

Yes, you can sign your round without follow-up. Then all statistics that can be calculated from the score are included in the overall statistics.

However, strokes gained values and other valuable statistics cannot be recorded without follow-up. We therefore recommend that you follow up on the round in any case, as this makes it more valuable for progress.

Can I delete a tracked (singed oder unsigned) round?

You can delete both signed and unsigned rounds.

If you delete a signed round, you will also delete that round from your statistics.

To be on the safe side, you will be asked again whether you are sure before deletion. After confirmation, the round is then finally and irrevocably deleted.

Can I view my rounds and stats also on a tablet or PC?

Yes, that is possible. To do this, log in to the website ( with your access data.

The big advantage of bebrassie is that your data is displayed directly from our server. This means the data can be displayed anywhere, regardless of your smartphone. It is therefore also possible for you to share your laps and statistics with your trainer or team members.

Can check if a shot was detected on the smartphone?

In the third tab from the left you can see which of your shots are recognized and which GPS track is recorded.

The raw data from the phone or watch is displayed there. This means it may look slightly different during follow-up because we still make optimizations after the round has been uploaded.

You can also set in the settings (smartphone and watch) that you receive a message or a haptic indication (vibration) after every detected hit. Please note that bebrassie recognizes every swing. This means that after a swing (including a test swing) you will receive feedback that the shot has been recognized. Bebrassie only counts the last swing at a position as a shot.

Can I track and evaluate 9-hole-rounds?

Yes, that works without any problems.

Of course, golf in tournaments is usually played over 18 holes, but often - especially parallel to the training process - you only have time for a few holes.

But these holes can also be very helpful in determining your position or controlling your own development process. Therefore, with Bebrassie you can also record shorter rounds than 18 holes in your statistics.

Can I enter my club for the shot on the course?

Yes, this feature is available for Apple Watch.

When a shot is detected by bebrassie, the input screen appears and is active for 2 minutes. If it doesn't appear, then apparently no shot was detected. You can then also add the shot manually and define the club there too.

It is not a club recommendation - even if the screen appears after the practice swing. This also complies with the rules, as you determine the length yourself and no calculation (e.g. slope) is included.

You can also turn off this function on the watch (screen on the far right). There you can also set whether you want a vibration or sound (if the watch is not muted) when a shot is detected.

Can I add a shot manually on the course?

Yes, you can capture a shot manually on both the watch and the smartphone.

There is a separate input screen for this on the Apple Watch (Add Shot). On your smartphone, please press the club icon at the top of the header. The shot is then registered for the location where you are.

You can also store the used club on the watch.

Putting form outside the green (Texas Wedge)

In order to correctly define a putt from outside the green, you must be aware of what type of shot you want to have statistically recorded.

If it is a pure putt and the foregreen from which the game was played is of very high quality, then it may make sense to create the shot as a "putt with the putter" - for type "putt".

If you want to include the shot in the statistics as an approach shot and not as a putt, then you should define the shot as a "chip with the putter" - i.e. type "chip".

Map or Satellite View

Bebrassie basically offers two types of map view - both during the round in the Yardagebook (smartphone) or during follow-up in EditRounds.

For better follow-up, it may make sense to switch from the map view to the satellite view.

Sometimes it becomes clearer what the fairway looked like.

Start a round on your Apple Watch

If you would like to track a round with bebrassie, please first start bebrassie on your smartphone and go through the start process. There you will finally be asked whether you would like to start the round on your Apple Watch. Please then press “Start Watch” and the start process will automatically be initialized on your watch.

The start process on the watch takes a few seconds as the course data needs to be loaded. The progress will be displayed on your smartphone.

You can also decide whether you want to record fitness data with the watch. The capture significantly increases battery consumption. We therefore recommend deactivating this function.

Singed and unsigned rounds

In the EDITROUNDS section you can follow up, create or delete your rounds.

Bebrassie distinguishes between two types of rounds:

unsigned rounds
signed rounds

Unsigned rounds are rounds that you have already created in some way, but have not yet edited or signed.

A round can only be signed if you have completed all information in the follow-up.

Using Filters

Bebrassie offers you various filter functions to analyze your game.

Course: Selection of the golf course played on to analyze data specific to that location.

Number of Rounds: Filter by the number of rounds played to see trends or improvements over time.

Number of Holes: Allows you to analyze data based on the number of holes played (e.g. 9-hole rounds vs. 18-hole rounds).

Round type: Differentiation between different types of rounds, such as competition rounds or training rounds.

Weather: Taking into account weather conditions during the game, which may affect performance.

Time Period: Narrowing the time period for analysis to look at seasonal influences or progress over time.

Front 9 / Back 9: Separation of analysis between the first nine and the last nine holes of a golf course.

Par: Focusing on holes with a specific par value to identify strengths and weaknesses in different challenges.

Type: Categorize and analyze shots by type (e.g. tee shot, approach shot).

Location: Considering the location of the ball (e.g. fairway, rough) to evaluate precision.

Golf clubs: Selecting specific clubs from the bag to analyze their effectiveness and frequency of use.

Distance to Hole: Analysis of shots in relation to their distance to the hole, which can be particularly relevant to the short game.

These filters help golfers examine specific aspects of their game in detail and make targeted improvements.

Are the strokes counted automatically?

No, unfortunately that will not work. Golf is too complex to record the score correctly automatically. The possibility of penalty strokes or air shots (whiff) alone makes automatic score recording so error-prone that we do not offer it.

Manually recording the score after the hole or at the end of the round, as well as specifying the putts, is an important basic safeguard so that the automatic follow-up can function smoothly.

Edit pin and putts on the course

When editing the round on your smartphone, you can save time by specifically placing the putts on the scorecard.

To do this, go to the scorecard, enter your score and the number of putts. Then click on "Edit Putts" and move the pin position and the putts to the corresponding places from which you putted. Make sure the flag is in the correct position and save the changes. This method makes follow-up easier and optimizes the efficiency of your processing. In addition, you no longer have to remember where the flag was and where you putted from.

For your convenience, the length categories are displayed using distance circles. Above all, it is important that you place the putts in the correct length range.

Add or delete a shot in the follow-up

You can add or delete a shot at any time.

This can be done in two different ways. Either you go back to the scorecard and change the number (score) there or you do it directly on the corresponding hole.

You can add or delete a shot directly using the green and red buttons.

Edit Shot Typ

You can manually adjust the shot type for each shot.

Bebrassie defines the shot type based on preset logic. However, it can definitely make sense to adjust the type of shot.

You can adjust the shot type either directly on the map or in the table.

For example, if you have to play a shot from deep rough or forest, what was supposed to be a “shot to green” quickly turns into a “recovery”.

The manual application of penalty strokes (penalties) is also essential.

A little tip: Many players, when using the putter from outside the green, define the shot as a “chip with the putter”, which statistically makes a lot of sense.

How to change the lie of the ball

You can change the end position with each shot, which also changes the starting position for the next shot.

You can adjust this in the table. To do this, click on “more details”.

This is necessary if the details drawn were different in reality (e.g. if the fairway was wider than shown).

Since the position (lie) of the ball has a lot of influence on the Strokes Gained values, you should pay attention here - even if it is usually not necessary.

How can I change meter or yards

The units of measurement can be adjusted in the settings. This applies both to the use of the native app on the golf course and to the web app.

How can I change Celsius or Fahrenheit

The units of measurement can be adjusted in the settings. This applies both to the use of the native app on the golf course and to the web app.

How can I change the recommended club?

You can manually adjust the club for each shot.

Although Bebrassie automatically selects the right club for you based on the length of your shot, it may still be the case that you have used a different club due to external circumstances (e.g. wind, poor position of the ball).

Once you have manually adjusted the club for a shot, it no longer changes automatically, even if you position the shot somewhere else using drag and drop. This automation is then deactivated because the software assumes that you have now defined the club correctly.

How to get back from WebApp to the native App

To go back from the web app (e.g. EditRounds or ViewStats) to the native app (PlayGolf), press the Bebrassie icon displayed on the smartphone.

How to upload a round

After tracking a round with the bebrassie app, it may happen that direct uploading is not possible due to a weak data connection. In this case select “Upload round later”. This round is then saved in the “Upload Rounds” section, where all rounds saved locally on the phone are listed. There you can select the round you would like to upload. Rounds with a checkmark have already been uploaded, while rounds with an upload button are still pending. If you have a stable internet connection, for example in a WiFi area, simply upload the round by clicking on the check mark.

How to delete stored courses on your phone

Every course you play is saved locally on your phone and shown to you in the saved courses.

If you want to delete the list of saved courses, you can only do this by deleting the app from your phone and downloading it again from the AppStore.

How to do the follow-up of a round

To edit an unsigned round you have to go through several steps.

The first processing step is to enter the score in the scorecard.

Here it is important that you enter not only the score but also the number of putts made per hole.

This means the software knows how many shots were made on the green and can place them there for graphical follow-up.

If you haven't played some holes, simply don't enter your score there. For further follow-up purposes, only the holes that you have assigned a score will be shown to you.

You can also adjust round data such as date and game time.

Under Details you can define the round type.

Bebrassie offers you three different round types:

Tournament (i.e. tournament rounds)
Practice (i.e. training rounds)
Social (private rounds)

How you categorize your round is entirely up to you. Private rounds of golf are often played according to golf rules and can therefore be equated with tournament rounds.

During training rounds, on the other hand, a second ball is often played or someone specifically “works” on something that might distort the statistics somewhat.

With Notes you can note what was special about the round. For example: “Greens were aerated”, “Try to come more from the inside when driving” or “prepare every shot with two practice swings”. Just as you like.

The next step is the graphical follow-up of the individual fairways.

When viewing on the iPad or desktop, you can see the selected fairway on the left and the table with the shot details on the right.

Hoels that have already been fully prepared are marked green. The current hole is shown in blue, you still have to edit all the yellow holes.

Once you have prepared and saved all the holes, the “sign round” button will appear. Now you can sign your round and view your statistics.

Setting an Individual Target – Intended Target Feature

With the Intended Target Feature, you can define an individual intended target for each shot (except putts) during the post-round review in Edit Rounds. Follow these steps to use the Intended Target Feature:

1. **Select the shot**: Click on the shot for which you want to change the intended target.
2. **Set the target**: In the pop-up window or sidebar, you will see the "Target" button. Click on this button. The symbol will turn red, and a red target circle will appear on the course.
3. **Move the target circle**: Move the red target circle to the spot where you aimed for this shot.

Setting individual targets improves your statistics because your deviations will be calculated based on the targets you have defined. However, it's not a problem if you don't change the target for some shots. In that case, the target line will remain either in the center of the fairway or at the flag as usual.

The Intended Target Feature allows you to specify your targets more accurately, providing a more precise analysis of your shots and statistics.


How to share a round

To share a round on social media or via email or WhatsApp, you must click on “Show Round” in the ViewStats Rounds overview.

You can then create a corresponding link using the “Share round” button.

You can choose which holes you want to share.

If direct redirection to one of the media offered does not work, then copy the link to the clipboard and then paste it manually.

In addition, others from a group in which you are a member can also access your round (provided you gave the appropriate permission) by going to your account using the group function and viewing your rounds.

Handicap-relevant rounds

In order for your round to be handicap-relevant, you must mark it as handicap-relevant on EditRounds.

You can also set the CR value and slope value manually there.

Not all of shots were detected. What went wrong?

Please make sure that you have set the handedness correctly in the app. To do this, please go to your profile and adjust the handedness if necessary. This is the main reason for less detected shots.

The best position for the phone is in a back pocket. The phone itself should have little room for movement, i.e. the tightest possible pocket. But the phone can also detect hits in the front trouser pocket.

You can also send us your swing to incorporate it into the database. Please proceed as follows:

Start the Watch app (please do not start a Round)
Swipe right to start calibration.
Follow the instructions on the watch
Your turns will be sent to us as soon as your phone has an internet connection again. We then verify the data and load it into the database at intervals. The newly saved swings are therefore not immediately available for the next round.


If the long shots are no longer recognized at all, it may be because the handedness is adjusted. But you could check this in the settings. Otherwise, you can also tag shots manually if you don't receive a notification about a detected shot. This can be done in the watch using “Add shot” on the second screen from the left.

Otherwise, you can turn on the notifications to receive feedback when shots are detected. You can find this in the second to last watch screen. Then you can also see whether the shots are detected during the test movements and not when you change your routine.

What about Stableford?

Bebrassie is a golf analysis app. This means the main task of the app is to show the player's strengths and weaknesses. To do this, it is necessary that a score is entered for each hole when entering the data.

Unfortunately, Stableford is not suitable for recording strengths and weaknesses, as it is possible to delete one or even several holes. This means that the hits that are responsible for the poor performance are not captured.

That's why we don't have a Stableford at Bebrassie yet. That actually contradicts the philosophy of the software, but we want to release a new scorecard in 2024 and it will be there.

It's best to always write down the maximum score and then simulate the shots that you may not have made to the best of your knowledge and, above all, conscience. So enter it as you “would have” played it if things continued normally.

How can I reduce battery consumption when using bebrassie?

Bebrassie doesn't actually require an active internet connection during the round. Once the course is saved on your phone, and this happens automatically when you start a round on the course with an active internet connection, then you can switch to flight mode. This greatly reduces power consumption and allows you to enjoy your game without unwanted interruptions (e.g. messages or phone calls).

You can also deactivate the recording of fitness data on the watch before the round when you start. This also increases battery life.

A common reason for battery problems is usually not the app, but rather the local conditions. If, for example, the location is in a dead zone or between two radio masts, then the phone is constantly trying to establish a network and, according to the provider, this consumes the most power.

What to do, if you have no score on a hole?

You can “quit” a hole in Bebrassie, but this will completely mess up the statistics and we advise against doing so.

But how do you go about it instead?

Do it like this: Apply all the strokes that you have actually made up to the point of quiting in exactly the same way. Then define the result of what you would probably have played if you had not "crossed out" (i.e. if you had continued playing) and enter the (fictitious) remaining strokes as corresponds to your average.

This is the most realistic way in our opinion.

Use Bebrassie in training outdoors and indoors

With bebrassie you can practice the game on the course by simply playing through the holes on the range or in the indoor box.

If you enter a new round in the “Edit Rounds” section (go to “Create new round” below) with a target score (can also just be PAR on every hole or even just the shots to the green without putts), then you can You work this round “hole by hole” – and you could also “play” it in training – shot by shot. If, for example, you need one more stroke than your target score, you can simply add a stroke using the strokes table.

You will see that you will become better at visualizing each time and that in this way you will be able to prepare yourself really well for playing on the court. This training is also ideal for preparing for foreign places (e.g. on a golf vacation).

Yardage Book on Watch

The course is displayed from the tee and the shot planning display starts at a length of 230m. With the plus and minus buttons you can now change the planned shot length in 10m increments.

If you get closer to the green than the planned shot distance, then (as before) the green view is displayed with the distances to the beginning, middle and end of the green. So if you don't change the planned shot distance, the green will be displayed from 230m (to the start of the green). If you adjust the planned shot distance (e.g. to 170m), then the green will only be displayed from this distance onwards.

You can zoom in both modes using the crown.

Chips and pitches edit on the round

In the short game it doesn't work so reliably. But you can do tricks when playing, for example by entering a three-putt on a chip and then putting the first putt on EditPutts (score card) where you played your chip. Later during processing, this shot will be recognized as a chip and your putts on the hole will be reduced to two again.

How to track around with Apple Watch

Tracking with Apple Watch and the Bebrassie app is a great way to optimize your rounds of golf. If you want to play a round of golf and record it, first launch the Bebrassie app on your phone. Select the golf course there and the nearby courses will be displayed on your phone. Now select the tee box from which you would like to play your round and click on “Start round”. A screen will then appear where you can start tracking on your Apple Watch.

At this point you can also decide whether you want to record fitness data with the Apple Watch. However, note that this can significantly reduce battery life. We therefore recommend deactivating this function. However, if the function is deactivated, you will not receive any data for your Health app from Apple.

The start process on the watch is initialized automatically and takes a few seconds because the location data must first be loaded and transferred to your watch. As soon as the start is complete on the clock, you will see the fairway view for shot planning for your first shot. The view on this so-called yardage book changes with your position on the golf course, i.e. if you are close enough to the green that you can reach it in one shot, you can see the green and the corresponding distances to the start of the green, the middle of the green and the end of the green.

In the shot planning view of the Yardagebook, you can use the plus and minus buttons to change the length of your planned shot and see whether it might be dangerous for certain obstacles. The crown can be used to enlarge or reduce the size of the hole.

Another screen on the Apple Watch allows you to enter the score and the number of strokes; these will then be synchronized directly with your phone.

Another feature on Apple Watch is the ability to manually add a shot if your shot wasn't detected or if you want to make sure that shot is recorded in the short game or on the green.

Normally, Bebrassie detects shots in all of your swings (including practice swings). If you have set this as a notification, you will receive a haptic or acoustic signal. After a shot is detected, you have the option to set the club for that shot.

Don't be surprised if shots are recognized after practice swings. You can also select the club at this point and in the automatic follow-up, only one shot will be made from the large number of detected shots at one point and the club that you have selected in this position will be adopted.

At the end of the round, you can easily stop your round using your Apple Watch and then confirm the next steps using your smartphone. It is important that you check the score again on your smartphone and upload the round to the server.

If the internet connection is poor, you also have the option of selecting the “upload later” option and only uploading your round to the server via the Upload Rounds section when the internet connection is secure.

With Bebrassie and your Apple Watch, you always have all the important information in view during your round of golf and can optimally analyze your game.


How do I correctly enter the score and putts into the scorecard?

Please always enter the total number at Score and then enter the included putts under Putts.

Can I sign my golf round in Bebrassie without going through the post-processing?

Yes, absolutely! We understand that not every player has the time or inclination to engage in detailed post-processing after each round. That's why Bebrassie offers a simple solution that allows you to sign your round without having to perform the detailed shot editing.

Here's how it works:

**1. Disable shot editing:** After your round, head to the "EditRounds" section and disable the shot editing option. This setting allows you to skip the editing process.

**2. Direct statistics:** By disabling shot editing, you will forego the "Strokes Gained" statistics and shot length stats, but you will still receive all other relevant statistics that can be derived directly from your score. This includes your scoring, the number of fairways and greens hit, and the putts.

Who is this option suitable for?

This function is ideal for players who want to use their time on the golf course efficiently without having to forego the documentation of their most important game statistics. Whether you're focusing on improving certain aspects of your game or simply want to keep an overview of your performance – Bebrassie supports you without the need to invest a lot of time in post-processing.


With Bebrassie, more time is left for what really brings joy in golf – the game itself. We hope this feature makes your gaming experience even more enjoyable and that you can appreciate the benefits of quick and uncomplicated round documentation.

Do you have more questions or need help using this feature? Our support team is happy to assist!



What is Strokes Gained mean?

Strokes Gained is a method of measuring a golfer's performance on the course. It is based on the analysis of hitting data and compares a player's performance with the average of other players on the same course.

To calculate Strokes Gained, various factors are taken into account, such as the distance to the hole, the position of the ball after each stroke and the number of strokes required for a given result.

The process of calculating Strokes Gained involves several steps. First, a reference point is determined that serves as the basis for the comparison. This can be either the average of all players on the course or the average of a specific handicap range. At Bebrassie it is the average of a comparison group.

Then the player's hitting data is compared with the reference data. For example, it calculates how many strokes a player needed compared to average to get the ball into the hole from a certain distance. If the player needed fewer strokes than average, he is given a positive value (Strokes Gained). If he needed more strokes, he is given a negative value (Strokes Lost).

The individual values for each shot are then summed to get the total value for the entire game. A positive overall score means the player performed better than average (green box), while a negative overall score (red box) indicates the player performed worse.

Strokes Gained is the ideal metric to identify a golfer's strengths and weaknesses and enable targeted training.

Dashboard Section

The dashboard contains the following categories:

Career, stats, charts, profiles and YouTube

In the "Career" section you can see at a glance your golf achievements during the period in which you used bebrassie.

In "Stats" bebrassie shows you your performance in the current year and in brackets those of the current month.

If there is no data in these periods, it will say N/A.

The average score on PAR 3, 4 and 5 holes refers to the value above PAR. This means that in this example I play an average score of 3.55 on a PAR 3 - i.e. 0.55 above PAR.

The average of the PARs and birdies also confuses some people because the values are so odd.

Given the number of PARs, this means that on average I play (almost) 10 PARs per round.

With “Charts” your performance and trends are shown graphically.

You can see your development in the performance trends. You can select the period you want to view.

With the average score, your performance curve should point downwards if possible, since a low score is known to be better than a high one.

Your performance trend in Strokes Gained values, on the other hand, should be pointing upwards.

We have decided to show you the average value per hole so that your 9-hole rounds are also taken into account.

You will also find your strengths and weaknesses here.

The first graphic gives you an overall overview divided into four areas (off the tee, long game, short game and putting).

If the bar points downwards (i.e. your SG value is negative), then this is an area in which you need to improve.

The colors of the bars show you what the situation is in the respective area according to the traffic light system. Green means that it is more of a strength of yours, yellow shows that it is still okay, red means that action is definitely needed.

As the dashboard progresses, your development in the respective game areas will be shown to you.

In the “Profile” area, bebrassie shows you the core statistics compared to the previous year or the previous month.

You can also find these stats in the group function. These values provide a good overview of the most important data relevant to the game.

Our tutorial videos conclude the dashboard.

You can get more tips, tricks and suggestions here.

Strokes Gaines Strengths and Weaknesses on Dashboard

In this graphic you can easily identify your strengths and weaknesses. The red dots, i.e. the swings to the left, are your weaknesses. Anything yellow is unremarkable compared to your comparison group. The green dots represent your strengths.

The conclusion from this graphic should be that you are trying to work on your weaknesses. This means that you think about tasks and exercises (preferably in collaboration with your PGA professional) that you regularly incorporate into your training.

But of course you should never neglect your strengths. A balanced practice therefore always consists of content that you are already good at.

Be sure to plan a split of one-third “optimizing weaknesses,” one-third “developing new skills,” and one-third “repeating the basics.”

What is One-Putt-Probability?

In the Putting Probability section you can see what your 1-putt or 3-putt probability is.

In this example you can see that the 1-putt probability based on the last 10 rounds from a distance of 1.50 to 2.40m is only 55.17%.

The graphic shows you how the trend (green line) is developing and how your performance was in the individual rounds.

You can adjust the distance range using the selection menu.

What is the Three-Putt-Probability?

In the Putting Probability section you can see what your 3-putt probability is.

In this example you can see that the 3-putt probability based on the last 10 rounds from a distance of 9.10m is almost 50%.

The graphic shows you how the trend (green line) is developing and how your performance was in the individual rounds.

You can adjust the distance range using the selection menu.

What does Fairway in Regulation (FiR) mean?

In FiR (Fairway in Regulation) a fairway is considered to have been hit when the ball comes to rest on the fairway after teeing off on a PAR 4 or PAR 5 hole.

If a ball hits the fairway but then rolls into the semi-rough, it is not a “fairway hit” that is included in the FiR statistics.

When calculating the FiR percentage, the fairway hits are divided by the number of PAR 4 and 5 holes.

You cannot hit a fairway on PAR 3 holes, even if there is a fairway there.

Pros hit an average of 60.9% of the fairways on PAR 4 holes. For PAR 5 holes the odds are slightly lower. Tour players only hit 58.8% of the holes here.

It is important to know that a fairway hit as such does not make any statement about the quality of the shot, as this evaluation does not take the length of the shot into account. A 300m drive that is in the semi-rough is most likely preferable to a 160m drive into the middle of the fairway.

Therefore, in addition to the FiR stats, we recommend looking at the SG values (Strokes Gained) from the tee. This calculation takes into account both the length of the shot and the position of the ball.

What does Greens in Regulation means?

For a Green in Regulation (GiR), the ball must...

...on a PAR 3 you're on the green after your first shot.
... on a PAR 4 after the second shot on the green.
...on a PAR 5 you're on the green after your third shot.
In this case one speaks of a so-called “green hit”.

Pros hit an average of 66.3% of the greens on PAR 3 holes, 66.6% on PAR 4 holes and 66.9% on PAR 5 holes.

The number of green hits (GiR) depends on the following factors:

Distance to the green when hitting the green
Location of the ball (more greens are usually hit from the fairway than from a rough location)
Size and texture of the green
External influences such as wind, weather and differences in altitude
Length of tee shot (for PAR 4)
Positioning the layup (at PAR 5)
A green hit alone is no guarantee of a good round. The putting quality then plays a big role.

Players who hit a lot of greens usually need a lot of putts because they are often not close enough to the hole with the first putt.

Accordingly, players with a low number of putts often hit fewer greens.

How can I see my development process

The best way to see your development is the trendline, which we display in most graphics.

To adjust the period or number of rounds, simply go to the extensive filter function and make the appropriate settings there.

Information about Shot length: Clubs & Distances

In the “Clubs & Distances” section you can see how far you can hit each club.

Two values are relevant here. Firstly, the median of your strokes. Here all the shots are “crossed out” until only the “average value” remains. This is actually the most relevant value when choosing a club. You almost always have quite a few outliers up and down.

All your strokes are titled at the average length. Total catastrophic shots as well as absolute exceptional strikes are also included in this calculation.

Compensated shot distance: If you switch on the compensated shot distance, height differences in the shots are taken into account. A very helpful feature if you play a lot of hilly courses.

The distance between the clubs is also interesting. The so-called gapping. If you have too large a gap between two clubs, it will often be difficult to achieve a good shot at this length range.

Every now and then it is also helpful to have the loft settings of the clubs checked by a fitter or pro.

Especially with forged clubs, the lofts can increase over time due to use and the gradations are no longer even.

How can I get Health-Data?

You can allow Bebrassie to collect data for your Health app via Apple Watch.

When you install the bebrassie app on your phone, you will be asked to release the data for transmission. If you haven't done this, you can do it in the settings (at HEALTH => Data access & devices => Bebrassie => all categories active).


"My health data collected with bebrassie shows up on Apple as “Walking” and not “Golfing”. Why is that?"

We are aware of this problem. Unfortunately, we haven't found a way to get around this yet. It is due to the necessary functionality of bebrassie, which requires that the app only saves health data as walking. Apple simply doesn't allow certain actions that we need to record the round if we set it to "Golf". In our tests with other settings, the app simply uses too much power and the round cannot be followed up. Competitor apps don't have this problem because they don't record the laps. That's why there are these differences in handling.

How to create a Report

To create a report, navigate to the "View Stats" section and open the main menu located at the top left. There you will find the option "My Reports". Click on it to open the view for creating a new report. Here you can either view previously created reports or create a new one. Select "Create Report". You can create the report for a single round or for a specific time period by entering the corresponding start and end dates. Give the report a name and click on "Create Report". The PDF will then be automatically saved in the Downloads folder or a link to a web address will be generated. There, you can view and print your report.

If creating a report on your smartphone does not work, please try using a tablet or preferably a PC. Go to and log in with your credentials. Here, you will have the same view as on your smartphone, but even more organized. Follow the steps mentioned above and have your report ready as a PDF file. With just a few clicks, you can compile all the important information for your analysis and access it anytime.

Groups & Teams

How do I create a group and how do I invite players to it?

After the players have registered, the coach or captain creates a group in their account and invites each player individually. After a player has accepted the group invitation, the coach can access the player's data.

The coach (automatically the administrator of the group) can now also determine who can see what and who can add or remove players. It is theoretically possible to entrust several people with the management of the group. The path just described is also possible if it is not the coach but, for example, the sports director or the captain who creates the group.

In terms of processing it would go like this:
We get the “go” by purchasing a team package or by sending an email and then sending the invoice and an Excel spreadsheet with activation links and codes to the email address provided to us. You then distribute the links to the players.

Tip: It's best to write down which player received which link in the Excel table, so you can avoid errors during activation.

Player Profile

The listing shows various personal data and statistics of a golfer. The left column lists various categories such as "scoring", "number of rounds", "birdies on 18 holes" and so on. These categories relate to the player's performance in various aspects of golf.

The middle column shows the values for the current period (e.g. from January 1st to December 31st), while the right column shows the values for a previous period (e.g. January 1st to December 31st of the previous year). A monthly comparison is also possible. The period can be adjusted using the filter function.

Colored circles can be seen next to the values for the last period: a green circle means an improvement, a red circle means a deterioration and a gray circle means no change compared to the previous period.

Some examples of the statistics are:

Average drive length
Second Shot Percentage Par 4
FIR (Fairways in Regulation)
GIR (Greens in Regulation)
Distances to the hole in different distance ranges

This data helps analyze the golfer's strengths and weaknesses and, if necessary, adjust training to improve performance.


The Part STRATEGY on bebrassie and how this can help you lower your score

🌟 Start Your Strategic Journey

🏌️‍♂️ Welcome to the beginning of a transformative journey for your golf game! Right now, your dashboard looks a bit empty, but that's about to change. This is your canvas to create detailed game plans, turning your strategy into your strength on the course.

📊 Our innovative feature allows you to meticulously plan every shot of your round. Imagine having a caddie that knows your game inside out, offering personalized advice based on your historical performance data. That's what we're here to provide.

🔍 With our assistance, you'll understand the lateral standard deviation of your shots for each club, visualized as a little horn, indicating that 68 percent of your shots will fall within this range. This insight allows for precise planning and adjustment for each swing.

⛳ You'll also be able to account for elevation changes and calculate the Strokes Gained value for every shot, ensuring you're making decisions that statistically improve your chances of lowering your score.

🏌️‍♀️ Our system intelligently selects the best club for each shot and, if the green is out of reach, it will suggest a strategy to get you there efficiently, placing each stroke on the optimal path to the flag.

🖨️ Once your plan is perfected, you can print it on A4 paper directly from your PC, carrying a roadmap to success for your next round.

🚀 Let's get started on crafting your first game plan. Click the "Create New Plan" button and step into a new era of golfing strategy. Your best round starts here.

Where do I find the STRATEGY Option in bebrassie?

In the native app for round tracking, there isn't a feature called "Strategy." To access the web app, you can simply click on buttons like "EditRounds" or "ViewStats" within the native app. This will directly redirect you to the web app, where you'll find a wide range of tools and options.

To specifically access the STRATEGY section, all you need to do is locate the menu icon in the top left corner of the web app and click on it. This will open the main menu, where you'll find the option "STRATEGY."

A click on that will then take you directly to a comprehensive set of strategy tools to help you effectively achieve your goals and manage your projects successfully.

What does the funnel represent in strategy mode? Are these the deviations that each player has with their respective club?

Yes, exactly. Bebrassie calculates the deviation for each individual club from the shots captured with Bebrassie. We do not use all historical data but rather utilize the relevant and most recent values. The width of the funnel changes when the target point is moved. This allows you to see with which club the deviation matches the target and what an appropriate target point for that shot would be. It should be noted that when aiming, it is especially important to avoid having larger areas that lead to a stroke loss due to a penalty (e.g., Out of bounds or Penalty Area) within the funnel.

What do the colored lines within the funnel represent in the Game Plan feature?

The green line represents the median of your shot distance, meaning you can expect to play to this distance (total). The yellow lines above and below are respectively 10m shorter or longer and serve as better guidance for shots that are particularly well or only moderately struck. The red lines above and below are respectively 20m shorter or longer. The shorter red line can generally be understood as a carry line, as a roll of 20m roughly corresponds to the average roll. This is important because when playing over obstacles or rough areas, the carry is more significant than the total shot distance.

All other lines are displayed in increments of 10m to provide further guidance.

Viewing Dispersion in the Strategy Section

In the Strategy section, you can now view the standard deviation (dispersion) for the selected shots on the right side or in the details at the bottom. These details include:

1. **Median Dispersion**: The standard dispersion we use.
2. **Dispersion with Outliers**: The dispersion including the respective outliers.

Additionally, you can see how many shots are included in the calculation for each club. This feature helps you better understand the dispersion with each club and adjust your playing strategy accordingly.



Apple charged me directly even though I wanted to do the free trial first?

According to their terms and conditions, Apple and Google only allow one test period per app. Both make no exceptions here - even if the app (as in our case) gets a new name or some new features. Unfortunately, there is nothing we can do on our part and in this case we can only refer to Apple or Google. You may be able to cancel the “purchase” via their support.

From our side, we would like to offer a new test period every year because our app is constantly evolving. Unfortunately, this is only possible if you contact us directly and we create an individual test code.


Game Plan

A “game plan” is tactical and strategic preparation for a round. You set a game plan and define the desired hitting and playing positions. It is in the nature of things that in reality a game plan cannot be adhered to 100%, but it helps to prepare for the requirements of the course on which the tournament is played.

You can create a game plan in Edit Rounds using the “Create new rounds” function.

“Zero-based” means that when graphically displaying the player progression on a fairway, the first point (i.e. the place where the first shot was taken) is marked with a 0. Accordingly, the hole - i.e. the end point of the last shot on a hole - is marked with the last number corresponding to the score.
To put it more simply, this representation variant shows the result of the shot - for example, where did your first shot go, that's where the point with the number 1 is.

On the other hand, "Non-zero based" displays the number at the point where the shot was made. So on the first shot on the tee. “Not zero-based” is a display variant that shows the number of shots at the point where the shot was played. The first shot of a hole is marked with a point on the tee, and this point has the number 1. In this display option, the hole is shown as a hole and has no shot number, since that is where the last shot of the hole comes to rest and the playing location This shot is marked accordingly with the total number of shots played.

We recommend the “zero-based” setting.

Shot to green (S2G)

A shot to green is a shot played with the intention of hitting the ball onto the green. The success of the shot (i.e. whether the shot lands on the green) is not decisive. Tee shots on par 3 holes are counted as green shots because the shot task is more similar to a green shot than a tee shot.


A recovery is a shot in which the player attempts to put the ball back in play. Such a shot can often be recognized by the fact that either the position of the ball is so bad that a good hit is seriously endangered, or that the line of play to the flag is blocked and the player can only free himself with a cross pass or a certain launch angle.

Different SG values apply to recovery shots and it is therefore important to define such shots accordingly.


A transport shot is any shot that is played with the intention of bridging a certain distance on the fairway without reaching the green. Classically, such shots are used primarily on long fairways to get into a favorable position for the shot to the green (layup).

Tee Shot

In golf, a tee shot refers to strokes that are played from the teeing ground with the ball set up on a tee. The choice of club does not matter in this context. However, if a player hits the ball from the ground (or from a very low tee) at a par 3, for example using an 8-iron, we would classify this stroke as a "shot to green" (S2G). This classification is made because modern measuring systems have shown us that golf swings with the ball lying on the ground differ significantly from swings where the ball is placed on a tee. To be successful with both types of shots, one needs two different swing motions. In order to analyze strengths and weaknesses related to the execution of movement and type of shot, these must be recorded and considered separately.


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